Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HHB Comes Roaring Back!

Hello to all you HHB devotees. Let me express my apologies for the lack of material in the last two weeks - your humble (a lie) narrator has been off dilly-dallying with other important matters, but he's back now and intends for this week to show a whole flurry of articles. So pay attention because more really is coming.

Before I leave you with Deidre, is it just me, or was there a pretty good basketball game on last night? One of the best finishes to a national championship game I've ever seen, except, oh yeah, Duke won. But it was a terrific game, heavy on the defense, with Butler fighting all the way. Can you imagine if that last shot had gone in...

But no, it was not to be. In the year of great upsets at the NCAA tourney, a number 1 seed (Duke, at that) still won. Evil reins this year. Duke and the Yankees are the national champions.

By the way, look closely in the background when the last shot misses and you'll see one of the coaches fall down onto the ground. Hilarrrrious!


I had already promised some friends I would use last night to watch Precious, so I had to have the game on in the background while taking that in - not recommended. It's sort of like Jerry Seinfeld making out during Schindler's List. If you're going to see Precious, plan to devote all of your focus to it - not the type of movie that's conducive to multitasking. Review tomorrow.

And heeeere's Deidre:

Dear Deidre,

I've recently become interested in a person that I work with and am not sure if she likes me in the same way. She's seemed flirty with me from time to time, but I'm not sure if she's actually interested or just a flirty person in general. I'm doing my best to try to show her I'm interested, but since we usually only see each other at work, I can only take it so far. I'm worried that if I ask her out and she's not interested, it'll get around to all my coworkers and be very awkward for me. What's the best way to proceed?


Workin' Hard's Hardly Workin'

Dear Workin’ Hard’s Hardly Workin,’

This is a toughy, and a situation that a lot of people find themselves in. (Myself included!) Good thing it is still legal to ask a co-worker out! I’m sure your fuzzy, lovestruck mind wasn’t too concerned about legal liability, but just as a word to the wise, sexual harassment in the workplace law suits are on the rise! You’ll want to make sure that your company doesn’t have a specific policy that forbids employee dating, especially if this chick is a superior.

Unfortunately, there is that type of woman out there who is just innately, constantly, and annoyingly flirty. It’s just in her nature. Maybe daddy didn’t give her enough attention or something and now she seeks it out from every male in sight. But, a good way to tell the difference between Miss I want Everybody and the real deal is to observe her interactions with your other male co-workers. Is she just as flirty with John or with Bob? If so, then maybe she’s not specifically interested in you. However, if it appears to be that she only acts this way around you, maybe it’s the real deal.

How much do you like this job? Do you imagine yourself with this company for the long-term? If so, you may not want to risk it. The awkwardness that could follow a potential rejection might get in the way of your career goals. On the other hand, if you’re not totally committed to the place or the position, then I say go for it. Girls like guys that show they are interested (granted, don’t show up with balloons and flowers and candy and cry whenever you see her), so give her some sort of signal that shows your interest. I wouldn’t suggest a one on one date request right off the bat. Tell her that you and some of your friends are going out for drinks at so-and-so bar and ask if she would like to come along. If the two of you end up attached at the hip all night, then bravo! If not, feel out how awkward it either was or wasn’t and decide if you should ask her out again.

If you do start dating her, remember that you are not on a “date” at work. Don’t act overly flirty and touchy-feely while you’re on the job. No trysts in the employee coat closet or feel ups behind the water cooler. This can get VERY aggravating to your co-workers; not to mention, you’ll probably gross each other out and find yourself without any time away from this love nest.

Bottom line – ask her out casually. If she says no, and her excuse sounds legitimate, try again in a week or so. If she says no while saying something like “oh, well my cat needs me to spend more time with him this Friday night, so sorry,” then take the hint. (Note to all of my friends – I really mean it when I say that). Go out in a group and have a good time.

Good luck, workin’ hard (and hopefully, workin’ it)!

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